Friday, November 5, 2010

Fun new idea **updated with my Friday Five

I saw this ides somewhere and when I found out that chalkboard paint wasn't expensive...well I jumped all on that!!

I also painted a closet door in our office/craft room but didn't take a picture! I'll post more later, just wanted to show y'all this!

And Megan , I'll do my "Friday Five" post later! :)

*** My Friday Five:
In honor of it being Friday, here are my Friday Five!

1. What is on your night stand?
A bottle of water (I'm weird about this, if I don't have one then I can't really sleep!), my lamp, rosary, progesterone pills, candle, small statue of the Blessed Mother and a few more little things.

2. Do you still own your High School senior yearbook? Where is it?
Yes! It's packed away at my Gm's along with old mums (who else did that for homecoming?!), sports jacket and other misc items from HS and earlier.

3. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
Not a big breakfast person...but right now the thought of waffles sounds pretty awesome! ;)

4. In what ways does your cup runneth over?
My husband and his support that never seriously takes my breath away when I think of this. Also my family, in-laws included, are such a blessing.

5. Which of your funny stories have you probably told the greatest number of times?
Hmm...I tend to talk a lot and it seems that I tell, and retell a lot of funny stories that have happened to me. Too vague? Oh's getting late! ;)

And that's that! I'm glad I participated in the "Friday Five"...thanks Megan for tagging me!!

"Goodnight moon..."


  1. Yay! I love it too! Chalkboard paint is great- they even make it in spray paint! I was impressed that it really works when I tried it! :)

  2. Love the chalkboard paint idea!


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