Sunday, February 13, 2011

Beautiful weather

This Sunday has been great so far:

-the weather is gorgeous!!!
-AF hasn't come even though I've had some cramping the last couple days. [I think I'm 14 dpo (give or take) passed alleged ovulation...strong emphasis on alleged since I wasn't monitored this cycle..grr pcos].
-I got to see some of my nieces and nephews yesterday-there was some serious baby snuggling time with my 5 month old niece.
-my husband's weekend starts today!!! :)

There's been some down moments these last few days, however I'm trying to focus on the matter how big or how small they are.

“May your days be many and your troubles be few. May all God's blessings descend upon you. May peace be within you may your heart be strong. May you find what you're seeking wherever you roam.”(Irish blessing)


  1. Okay, you've got me on pins and needles now!! Praying!

  2. "alleged ovulation" -- I may steal that. PCOS is so annoying!!! Praying for NO AF for YOU!!!

    Enjoy the beautiful weather and time with your husband!!!


Thank you so much for your comments...they mean more to me than you know!! :)