Thursday, March 24, 2011

My newest obsession...


It's so wonderful not only because is gives me a chance to create, but also because my mind is seriously relaxed, carefree and stress free while I'm doing it!

It was great, earlier this week I was looking around online for some new crafting ideas and I saw some things people had crocheted but was bummed because I had no clue what to do or how to start. But then yesterday, I had some family visiting from out of town and coincidently, my Gm was going through old yarn and needles, etc...and she showed me and two of my cousins how to do it!!

She is great at it. She's made some beautiful afghans and blankets...which is my next project! :) She was also showing us some shawls and other things that she made when she was younger and newly married. The thing we all agreed on is that it's quite a bummer that sewing, quilting, crocheting, etc..aren't really taught anymore. Thankfully my Gm is a great instructor.

Here's what I've done so far:

Ear warmers with little flower on them. I have a button on the back so you can wear it wrapped around your cold ears....which I know here in Texas it'll be a long while, however that's just what I happen to make (because of the length and whatnot) for my first try.

Little baby hat...I'm not done yet and thankfully y'all can't see too close cause it's kind of a mess. But I'm ok with that because it's actually looking like a hat! ;)

My new yarn for my new afghan I'm going to make. I plan on doing a little here and there. I just think it's going to feel pretty great to accomplish a crocheted blanket to snuggle under on those cold nights when the ac is especially cold!

This crafting spell I've been on has helped me not think about my wonky body so much. TCC is hard and since we can't get away on a nice vacation anytime soon...crafting will be my go to de-stresser.

Praying for you all...

"If you only do what you know you can do- you never do very much."(Tom Krause)


  1. You're so lucky that your Gm showed you how to crochet!!!! My grandma made us a HUGE afghan when we got married and I wish I could crochet as well as her!!! You should open up an etsy shop so you can sell your creations!!!!

  2. I LOVE crocheting! (AND SEWING AND KNITTING TOO!) Check out the website for some awesome FREE patterns! I could look all day long!

    Susan Bates crochet hooks are the best in my opinion :) they just seem to grab the yarn better! Even my 90 year old grammie says so!

    Happy Crafting!!

    PS: I don't know how many times i've said that I wish I could just crochet myself a baby :) it'd be so much easier!

  3. Wow, your first projects look great. You are a quick learner! I'm a big crocheting fan. I recommend getting crocheting books from the library for lots of different stitch pattern ideas. Happy crocheting!

  4. Lovely! I can sew, my sister can't but she can crochet and knit and made us the softest blankets for Christmas one year. She used yarn that would blend in with our couches. Let me tell you, even in the South those blankets get PLENTY of use. I'm so glad she made 2 or DH and I would fight over them. You are going to fall in love with the fluffies your own hands made! I'm SO impressed!

  5. Wow- your projects look fantastic! And you're right, what a great mind break from all of the other worries, pressures, etc. of TTC. Keep posting project pictures!

  6. You are so creative! I can't do anything like that. Keep it up! :)

  7. I'm impressed! That is awesome crocheting! I cant get my stitches that neat!!!

  8. Beautiful! I can do a scarf, but that's about the little hat! :)

  9. I'm impressed! I tried knitting b/c it's supposed to be "relaxing." Unfortunately for me, it only stressed me out!

  10. Oh my, we need to get to together - I so want to learn how to crochet because I want to make these funky vintage hats that are all the rage up here. I don't know anyone that knows how to crochet, but I probably should just keep asking around - maybe on of the elderly woman at church could help. But I do thoroughly enjoy knitting - it is so fun. I am working on a baby blanket now. I have no idea who it is for, but I enjoy working on something. Here is a neat blog post about crocheting roses for a rosary for kids - it sounds so neat.

  11. Oh love it!!! I wish I knew how to are right about less and less people knowing how to do it! Those look like so much fun!

  12. Awe fun! I love your new little hobby! I'm pretty impressed with how good you are already:) Thanks for your prayers:) I pray for you too:)


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