Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A month of gratitude: day 14

Today, I am thankful for surprise packages in the mail!!!

Earlier, I got a knock on the door and as I went to see who was there I saw the FedEx truck drive off.

^Insert excitement here^
I mean, who doesn't like to see the FedEx truck?!

Then, I looked down and saw this box:

Call it hormones or what, but I literally got goosebumps and teary eyed from knowing that there were some crack cupcakes in there!!!

My sweet SIL, BIL and nephews sent them to me!

I opened the box and found 10 salted caramel cupcakes (the ones that I describe as crack! ;)) and two other flavors:

But, I had to be patient and let them thaw for three hours before diving right in.

Thankfully, I was busy during that time. I went up to my dh's sector because they were having a pre-thanksgiving meal/get together before they had to work.

But believe me, once I got home, I went straight to enjoy a cupcake!

Ok, I lied...I had two!
But that's besides the point.

My SIL taught me how to eat this particular kind of cupcake heat it up for 15 or so seconds first! Ooey, gooey amazingness will follow:

Ps-if you live in the D.C area, got to D.C cupcakes/Georgetown cupcakes and order a salted caramel won't be sad you did.


Thank you so much for your comments...they mean more to me than you know!! :)