Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A month of gratitude: day 27

Today I am SO SO SO very thankful that we got the call from my Gm that my cousin is stateside!!!!!!

He's been in Afghanistan for the last year (he's a combat medic) and been through and seen so much.

He's lost comrades.
He's seen innocent lives lost before his eyes.
He was shot at and by the grace of God, only received minor injuries.
He's received a Purple Heart for his injuries.

In the midst of all that, our family has prayed fervently that he would be protected and brought home safely.

And as of yesterday he landed in the good ol' U.S of A!!!!!!!

Praise The Lord!!!

Thank you Lord for protecting my cousin and thank you Lord for all those who continue to serve.


  1. Great news! Our family felt the same way when my sisters fiancé came home last spring.

  2. That's great that he's back, and I'm also extremely grateful to him and all that serve our country!


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