Monday, July 8, 2013

Working out

First off, thanks for all the feed back in my last post. That is one thing I absolutely love about this blogging community, you can write about something, feeling a little like you're the only one experiencing certain feelings, and then you get feed back from others (going through different walks of life even) and realize you are most definitely not alone! So thanks for all the comments!

Moving on to today, because I did something I haven't done in close to 2 years and wanted to share...

I ran a mile.

Go me go.

I've been doing the elliptical on and off and walking on the tread mill but tonight-after too much talk of wanting to start running again-I ran.

I stepped on the tread mill and started walking...then decided to just do it *insert cheesy Nike commercial here.

I ran that mile and I didn't die or even feel like I was going to die.

I've been thinking about my working out/getting back in shape a lot lately. If only I would have put as much effort in to actually working out as I did thinking about it I'd probably be well on my way to feeling pretty dern good about myself.

But I'm so not there-sure ive lost some weight but nothing to really write home about. I know I'm not the first person who has a baby and then has trouble with her body image-mix that with guilt of even feeling bad about how I look because I know why my body looks the way it sweet miracle...and well, lets just say I've been a bit of disaster here and there! My goodness though, that's another post for another day...

No more excuses like: I just had a baby...but I breast feed....but I really like wine...but I really like beer...but I really like French fries...but my toe hurts...but my sport bra doesn't work because my are ginormous from breast feeding...but I'm tired...but I need to catch up on my shows...

So I'm starting to run again!

And like I've said, I'm already one mile into this journey...

Which by the way is one mile more than yesterday! ;)

I've found that whenever I'm working out music is so very important and can at times make or break my mood, so I need y'all's help with that! What is your favorite songs that motivate y'all? Please help me put together a new play list because my old one isn't cutting it (hence why Ive been using Pandora!) and needs to be updated soooo bad...

See? It's a really crappy play list that hasnt been updates in years it seems! So, what are y'all's favorite songs to listen to? I'm really excited about putting together a new playlist that will hopefully motivate me and keep me going while I'm working out!!

A Nike tumblr seemed like the only appropriate way to end this post! ;)


  1. This girl has always struggled with body image and just recently decided that enough is enough. I'm taking small steps such as doing the adovcare challenge and now staying on there products as well as doing some 30 day challenges. Things that I can do while having a busy schedule plus not missing out on time with Reagan. Go you for running that mile! Hopefully soon I can post the same!

    1. Megan-I've seen the "advocare challenge" popping up everywhere it seems! You'll have to let us know how it goes!

  2. Go you go!!! You know I love running (yes, I still can't believe I say that) :).

    Check out - it gives you songs based on your pace :).

    Also, I highly recommend the Couch to 5k App - it will slowly build you up and help you not overdo it, but challenges you.

    Finally - most of your list (minus the baby-related parts, of course ;)) are reasons why I DO run - because I like wine and beer and french fries :).

    1. Rebecca-you rock!!! And your FB posts about running have definitely helped to inspire me! So keep 'em coming! Ill totally check out that website-sounds pretty awesome! Also, I've looked for the couch to 5k app and there are so many of them it seems-which is the kne you like the best?

  3. I am not a runner but I do need to start working out again. I haven't seriously worked out since before my surgery in April! Not to sound cheesy 90s or anything but, you go girl! One of my favorite songs that gets me hyped up is Sink or Swim by Tyrone Wells, listen to it on first to see if you like it :)

    1. Kat-hey, maybe if you checked out that couch to 5k app also, you'll turn into a runner...just like rebecca as so many others! ;) Ill totally check that song out! Thanks!

  4. Way to go! That's awesome!

    I'd love to give you song suggestions, but my playlist is horrible!

    1. CM-thanks! And I'm sure your playlist isn't that terrible! Besides, there's bound to be one song that motivates you, right?

  5. First of all...WAY to go for rocking that mile, sister!
    I was totally thinking of writing a "playlist post" the other day! I agree that music is sooo important and pretty much essential for me when I work out! I can go from ZERO motivation to actually having fun when I'm trying to trick myself into Okay, I think I'll go work on that post now :)


Thank you so much for your comments...they mean more to me than you know!! :)