Sorry I haven't really updated since my last post-especially since I was begging for prayers. First off, I am so thankful for each of y'all that took time to pray and who continue to pray for my sister in law, K. It's hard to believe that it's been over 3 weeks since this whole ordeal started.
The most recent updates in regard to everything is that she was moved from the critical care unit, a few days ago, to the stroke unit floor and will hopefully be moved to rehab sometimes this week or at least very soon. She has no movement on her left side still, is thankfully able to communicate, the clots are going away with the help of medicine, our little nephew is thriving and doing incredible despite all that his mama had endured/is enduring, she will have the right part of her skull off, most likely, until after L's delivery (in July), and she was able to get the feeding tube removed a few days ago also because she is finally able to eat on her own. She could be in the hospital for another 2 months...or more or less, it just depends on how everything goes. We've learned very early on this is a day to day process.
My brother and her and clinging to their faith and hoping and praying that she will be able to regain movement on her left side again-hopefully rehab will get that ball rolling. So our prayers are definitely for function to her left side and their spiritual/emotional/mental strength throughout all this. My brother continues to tell me that the night time is the hardest time...things slow down, not as many visitors, and of course you can very easily get lost in your thoughts. He said it's a night that K will have her moments of sadness and worry for what the future might hold. I can't even begin to imagine what goes through her mind then. All that and then of course missing her two other little ones at home...she's one tough lady though and so we will continue to pray that she is able to remain positive.
It really all seems like a bad dream that has occurred. I don't know how many countless times I have shared the story and every time I begin, "K had a massive stroke...she's pregnant....only 24....had to have a crantinomy....etc..." I feel like I am just reading some bad story about someone else. But, it's not a dream, nor a story I am reading of someone else's family. It's my brother and his sweet wife's story. It's her family's story and it's our family's story. And because of it I know that we are drawing closer to our Lord and clinging to our faith more than ever before. Good is and will continue to come from this situation.
I have been able to go down a couple times and am so thankful that I will be able to go down again later this week. It's hard to be 5 hours away when all you want is to be there for support and help out in any way...but our thoughts and prayers are always with them.
Once again, I apologize for begging for the prayers and then not updating...but like I said, the prayers are greatly appreciated! My brother said that both he and my SIL talk about how incredible the power of prayer has been with keeping them going during this dark time for them. Prayer is powerful indeed!
What a Lenten season this has been-one none of us will surely forget. We are constantly being reminded of offering up our suffering for Him...which, although hard and difficult at times, is so small compared to the suffering He endured for all of us. God truly loves us, and although there are times that the suffering we endure seem almost unbearable, like a weight upon our chests, we cannot forget to keep our eyes on Him, trust in Him and remember that He is a God of goodness and mercy. Good will come from the suffering, we just have to remember to trust...even if we don't understand...we must trust and we must have faith.
"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." [Hebrews 11:1]
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3 months ago
Prayers for a complete recovery for your sister-in-law and prayers for all of your family.
Continued prayers for her recovery!
Continuing to pray for them!!!
God bless you all during this difficult time.
I am not expert, but after watching a family member recover from a stroke, it's my understanding that the first year (and even beyond) is a big deal with recovery... a LOT of improvement can happen and it's amazing what the brain can do and how well it can recover. Praying.
I'm so happy she's doing so well!! :) PS, nice verse at the end. ;) ;)
Are you *currently* being sent into Hell forever ... automatically excommunicated (outside) of God’s Catholic Church ?
Answer: Yes you are ... you can reverse it ... please continue.
Council of Florence, Session 8, 22 Nov 1439 -- infallible Source of Dogma >
"Whoever wills to be saved, before all things it is necessary that he holds the Catholic faith. Unless a person keeps this faith whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish eternally."
You must believe the Catholic Dogma to be in the Church ... Dogma you have *never* seen.
Site > ... infallible Dogma throughout.
The Catholic Faith *is not* Bible interpretation ... it is the Catholic infallible Sources of Dogma. The Catholic Church didn’t even define the Bible’s New Testament Canon until 397 A.D. at the Council of Carthage.
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Can a group which enforces the opposite, the opposite, and the opposite of the Catholic unchangeable Dogma be the Catholic Church?
No, it cannot possibly be the Catholic Church ... and promotion of the opposite of the Catholic Dogma is exactly what the vatican-2 heretic cult does ... and has been doing since it’s founding on 8 December 1965 at the Vatican.
The vatican-2 heresy does not have the Office of the Papacy ... only the Catholic Church has the Papacy.
The Dogma cannot “change” or be “reversed” ... God does not “change”.
The founding documents of the vatican-2 heretic cult … the “vatican-2 council” documents … have well over 200 heresies *against* prior defined unchangeable Dogma. Every (apparent) bishop at the “council” approved the mountain of heresy, which caused their automatic excommunication, see Section 13.2 of the below site.
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Section 12 > Anti-Christ vatican-2 heresies (50 listed) ... followed by many Catholic corrections.
Sections 13 and 13.1 > Photographic *proof* of heresy at the Vatican.
Because of … the Catholic Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy or for physical participation in a heretic cult (such as the v-2 cult) …
… we were all placed, body and soul, *outside* of Christianity (the Catholic Church) on 8 December 1965 … the close date of the “council”.
Section 13.2 > Catholic Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy or participating in a heretic cult such as ... vatican-2, lutheran, methodist, evangelical, etc.
Section 107 > St. Athanasius (died 373 A.D.) ... “Even if the Church were reduced to a handful ...” - - during the “arian” heresy ... we are there again, but worse.
Section 13.3 > Matt 16:18, Gates of Hell scripture ... is *not* about the Office of the Papacy ... four Dogmatic Councils defined it ... that heresy will not cause the Dogma to disappear.
Section 13.4 > The vatican-2 heretic cult does not have the Office of the Papacy only the Catholic Church has the Papacy.
Section 13.6 > The Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Automatic Excommunication for heresy define that ... God has allowed Catholic Jurisdiction ... for Mass and Confession to disappear from the world. There is no such thing as Catholic Mass outside of the Catholic Church.
Non-Catholic heresies such as “vatican-2”, “sspx”, “sspv”, “cmri”, etc. ... do not have Catholic Mass.
Section 19.1 > Dogma on Abjuration for *re-entering* Christianity (the Catholic Church) … after being automatically excommunicated. A Formal Abjuration is provided here also.
Section 10.2 > Returning to a state of grace, in places and times when Confession is not available, like now.
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Second Council of Constantinople, 553 A.D. -- infallible Source of Dogma >
"The heretic, even though he has not been condemned formally by any individual, in reality brings anathema on himself, having cut himself off from the way of truth by his heresy."
Blessed John Eudes, died 1680 >
“The greatest evil existing today is heresy, an infernal rage which hurls countless souls into eternal damnation.”
Everything you must know, believe, and do to get to Heaven is on > >
Our Lady of Conquest
Pray for us
I have been thinking of you and your family. And praying.
I check your blog every so often, hoping to hear some good news :-) You are an inspiring woman.
God bless,
GOD is Good Amen Gloria Lewis of Albany Georgia
As a fellow sufferer of PCOS/infertility and lover of Jesus I used to love your blog! It was a big part of helping me through a long season of infertility when I had no friends in real life who had experienced IF. (I now have a 16 month old son, thank God - so that season is over.) Anyways, I check back every now and then to see if you've posted - if you've had your new baby, how life is going for you. I miss you hearing from you! Emily
I followed your blog faithfully for years and it got me through some hard times of infertility when I didn't know anyone IRL who had been through it. I'd love an update on your life and family! :)
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