I have a problem.
A problem that involves a little someone by the name of goo.gle.
I use him waaaaay too often and every time he has me second guessing just about everything I do.
During our nearly 5 year struggle, each month during the 2ww I would do searches for all these symptoms and he would tell me either I was pregnant, I wasn't pregnant or I was going to most likely grow an extra ear.
Then, when I was (oh so very surprisingly and gratefully) pregnant I would do searches for my loss of symptoms, possible symptoms, etc and he would tell me I was either pregnant, going to miscarry or that I was going to most likely grow an extra ear.
And now that I'm a mother of a sweet little one I have done searches for all things baby and he (oh, I haven't mentioned to y'all that goo.gle is a he? Well he is! ;)) would tell me that I'm either doing it all wrong, doing it sort of right or that she's going to most likely grow an extra ear.
Oh goo.gle.
I need to sever this so called friendship.
The thing is, when there was about two weeks left in Lent I realized that I had gotten out of control with my searches and I was second guessing everything I was doing as a mother...which resulted in a lot of unnecessary anxiety.
So, with those two weeks left in Lent, I gave up goo.gle.
And life was grand.
I didn't second guess myself and things actually went way smoother.
But now that Lent is over I've found that I'm back to searching here and there and once again, I've found myself second guessing stuff I shouldn't.
And that's why I've decided they I just need to break up with goo.gle, especially when it comes to little things.
The big things I can ask my doctor.
Or other moms that have been there.
But no more unnecessary anxiety caused by me using goo.gle.
No more being told I'm doing it wrong...
Or that I'm going to grow that extra ear! ;)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Very wise choice!! You don't need 'im. :)
Google might be safer then other moms!!! LOL
Um, yeah g.oogle is evil. Just evil. I only let my husband look up stuff because he can handle it. Whenever I look stuff up, I am racing N to the emergency room for acting like... a baby.
Yes, mr. goo.gle is not helpful - though I couldn't help but laugh at Sew's comment, the "mommy wars" can b brutal as well!
Your instincts should reign, you know your child best - and your pediatrician should also not mind answering questions - no matter how big or small! If they make you feel any less than a good momma for asking, find a new one!
Prayers for peace for your mommas heart - and that you continue to have only 2 ears!
LOL! It is SO hard not to second guess yourself as a momma! I always page through the "first year" books or ask my fantastic blogger ladies. You are doing a GREAT JOB! God gives momma instincts for a reason. :-)
You are a great mama! And besides, there are totally worse things in life than having an extra ear ;) So no worries either way, right?!
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