1)I have to do a quick takes tonight because to be quite honest-the time in between my last post has felt like a sort of mish mash (is that how that's even said?!) of thoughts and feelings. Anyways, moving on...
2) I had the honor of praying for K @ www.runningsoloorsolow.blogspot.com-her blog is private, which is why I'm sure I hadn't heard much from her/about her. I immediately felt like I could connect with her because I have had so many heart felt conversation with my one of dearest friends about the aches and pains that come along with waiting for your significant other. I almost was surprised to receive her as my prayer buddy because I always get someone who is waiting and hoping and struggling with TCC...however, once I read her story, I almost felt as if it was natural for me to pray for her, because I had already been praying so hard for my sweet friend. K, just know that you will continue to be in my prayers!!
3) I didn't blog much after my last notsohappygolucky post, but it was because I needed to step back and focus on healing and focus on why I was celebrating Christmas. I wish I could say that it helped me and I was able to truly focus on the true meaning of Christmas and enjoy every celebration-but unfortunately, that wasn't the case. In a nut shell, let's just say Christmas Eve Mass I was on the verge of tears the whole time.
4) Thankfully not too many tears were lost Christmas Eve though because my DH and I showed up a little later to Mass and were stuck in the "back" (if you can even call it that)-where they had extra chairs in the hallways by the bathroom. Let's just say, the little ones trekking their way to the potties distracted me just enough to forget some of the pain I had been feeling.
5) And THANKFULLY and wonderfully, Christmas morning rolled around and my heart and soul felt new again. The hope seemed to creep back in and I felt overjoyed to be celebrating the birth of our Lord. I really have no explanation as to why Christmas morning came and brought me so much peace expect that it was the Holy Spirit. I don't go and question why certain days bring on the hope...I just go with it. Like I've said before, I CLING to it.
6) Can I just say that I am SOOOOO and a million more SOOOO's happy for sweet M @ JBTC and the birth of her precious miracle!! Her daughter was born the day after Christmas and what a beautiful gift that was! I was texting Jelly Belly and telling her how I get so much hope and joy when a fellow IFer crosses over...and truly that joy and hope has spilled over into today!
7) And that joy and hope-I pray for all of us...that this coming year finds many of us, still waiting, filled with blessings and joy through prayers answered.
8) THANK you to all of you wonderful ladies who have been praying for me in the last few weeks. I have struggled so much and was hurting more than I anticipated, but I know it's through y'alls amazing prayers that I have been able to slowly heal and pick up and move forward.
9) Speaking of moving forward, I am SO excited to start working with Doctor Hilgers. I am going to kick this PCOS in the butt. Hard. And then I may punch it also.
10) Okay, so glad I called this post a "quick takes" because I have been all over the place...thanks for bearing with me!
11) Praying for each and everyone of you beautiful blogger ladies and holding on to faith and hope...
"Faith in something greater than ourselves enables us to do what we have said we'll do, to press forward when we are tired or hurt or afraid, to keep going when the challenge seems overwhelming and the course is entirely uncertain." (Gordon Hinckley)
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3 months ago
I'm so glad that hope came with the morning, and you were able to have joy on Christmas. I was driving through Omaha over Christmas and praying for everyone that I know that has recently been there or is going there soon, so you were definitely on my mind!
Welcome back :)
I look forward to seeing the blessings that make themselves known as you venture into working with Dr H!
The quote at the bottom of you post really spoke to me. I'm going to copy it and keep it close by to remind myself to keep the faith.
Good luck with Dr. Hilgers. I just started to see a new OB and we're going to try a few things before I decide to make the jump to PPVI. We're pretty sure I have PCOS too. I've been keeping you in my prayers and will continue to do so as you embark on this new leg of your journey.
I am excited for you to work with Dr. H too!! :) Do they have you charting? or did you get to make an appointment?
You are going to the right place for PCOS. He helped me...I'd do my double OWR all over again! Do Not Be Afraid!
Loved reading this post. Can't wait to cheer you on as you kick PCOS's butt!!!!!!
Glad you are back!!
First off, yes...KICK PCOS butt!!! Yes, great attitude, I am praying for you and I know good things to come for you- you are so kind and warmhearted. God Bless you!!
Second, I had K as my prayer buddy this year too...and I instantly felt connected to her too! Isnt she great!! I love reading her blog as well! She is a great person!!
Have a Blessed New Years!!
I'm so glad you felt better on Christmas Day! Its hard sometimes to change outlook. I'm excited to hear about you working with Dr. H and hope you kick some nasty PCOS butt!!!
So glad you felt such peace on Christmas morning!
My FCP keeps telling me, over and over and over :), that PCOS is one of the highest success rates with NaPro. So drop kick, punch, and then maybe even an extra kick for good measure that PCOS!!!!
You go you PCOS warrior!!!!
I know that 2012 is going to be filled with blessings for you!!!!!
You give that PCOS a good KO girl!
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