I'm hoping the all caps got your attention because what I'm about to say is pretty important....
Well maybe not important per say...but I'm in a time crunch so that definitely merited that all caps [inmyhumbledopinion].
I am leaving for retreat Thursday and really want some good reads, things that can carry into Lent and beyond. It doesn't have to be specifically Catholic nor does it have to be strictly spiritual, but I do want something that inspires me to do better/be better and it doesn't matter if it's a non-fictional or a fictional story.
One of my favorite books is Matthew Kelly, Rhythm of Life and I've also enjoyed reading books filled with simple, yet thought provoking quotes. Also in adoration I'm reading, Reason to Believe which is pretty amazing. And, I'm also wanting to buy Pioneer Woman's High Heels to Tractor Wheels at one point (I'm a sucker for love stories...) but that's not at all what I want to read during retreat/Lent!!
And yes, the examples I gave are mostly religious/spiritual, but I'm open to anything!
I'll admit I'm not a huge reader. More times than not you'll see my reading a slight obsession of mine and highly entertaining, trashy celebrity magazine like, PEOPLE, or a home improvement/recipe filled magazine like Taste of Home or Better Homes and Garden. But that's not to say I won't read, I just don't have a lot of good book ideas, hence the begging for help!! ;)
Thanks in advanced!
Ps...I'm a nerd and am actually going to have to delete the Fa.cebo.ok app from my phone because I realize that I get on it without even thinking about it. Good grief...
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Currently I am reading Father Elijah - Catholic Fiction. It is really good and a quick page turner. I also love St. Therese and Archbishop Fulton Sheen and there is a book that ties them together. I wrote about it here:
I also loved this book a lot and it had a deep impact on me in regards to how I view anxiety, peace, etc. I am still struggling with those and I think I should go back and read it, I remember being so impressed the 1st time around. I gave the book to each of my SILs for Christmas - it was so good!!! Here is a post on that book.
Okay, I could keep going on and on, but hopefully you will see something that piques your curiousity. I know Leila has done some book posts before as well. You might want to search over there. God Bless and have a beautiful and blessed and RESTFUL retreat!
Have you ever read anything by CS Lewis? He's mostly known for his children's books "The Chronicles of Narnia" but his adult books are awesome. If you want fiction I'd recommend "Til We Have Faces" or the space trilogy. A couple great reads are "The Great Divorce" and "The Screwtape Letters." The last two are small, little books but pack a great, thought provoking punch and are perfect for the season.
Have a great & blessed retreat!
Two suggestions:
1) Meeting Jesus in the Gospels by George Martin--this is a wonderful account to looking at Jesus' life in ways I never ever thought about. To me it would be a great focus during lent. I am going to be reading it as well.
2) Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver--this totally makes you slow down and embrace what God wants in your life...especially if you are like Martha! (which I am!)
Hugs friend. So happy you get to spend this quite time at this retreat to reflect and start lent. My dad goes on a silent retreat called Manresa and he loves it! He always comes back refreshed.
You asked for prayers earlier so hope you don't mind if I ask you you to pray for me...that I soon will experience a healthy pregnancy. I know this is your desire as well. Please pray with me about this:)
I love the book "You Can Become a Saint" by Mary Ann Budnik. It is not a difficult read, and it always inspires me to live out my faith! It literally changed my life! :)
Can I recommend books that I haven't read? I recently purchased 2 books that were highly recommended from friends and are at the top of my to-read list. They are both Christian fiction. One is "Hind's Feet on High Places" by Hannah Hurnard. It's an allegory where the main character goes on a journey and expects to take love, joy, and peace along with him/her, but instead is given the traveling companions of fear, pain, etc. I think that's the description I remember. The other is "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers and is a fictional account of the story of Hosea.
Delurking because I love to read and have two fabulous recomendations. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers and The Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers. Start with Redeeming Love, you won't be sorry!
OK YES YES and YES on the Francine Rivers, but am wondering if that's what you're looking for on a retreat?
LOVE LOVE LOVE Hinds Feet in High Places. YES.
YES on C.S. Lewis Mere Christianity- or anything he writes!
BUt I must say, JBTC, I'm shocked, SHOCKED that you didn't recommend Searching for and Maintaining Peace! :) It's my number one book of all time now that I'm recommending to EVERYONE!! I know you love it as much as I do. I recommended it to my mentor, and she went out and bought 10 copies to hand out to everyone! It's THAT amazing. (and has really short chapters!)
Also spoke to my SIL last night who reminded me of an incredible book. She'd just read it adn was on a total high: The Hiding Place. It's AMAZING.
Have a WONDERFUL retreat!!!! My prayer request is that I would grow in gentleness this Lent. THANK YOU!!!
I second Screwtape Letters and also want to add Mere Christianity and Poisonwood Bible
Lauren - I DID recommend that book - I just didn't use the name. So, I feel chastised for no reason, but I won't lose peace because of it! :) It is the link with the "no longer seeking". Yes, J it is as good as Lauren says, but you can read what I did say about it in the link that I already provided above. ;)
Chastisement officially revoked!!! SOOOOOO sorry, friend! I KNEW you'd recommend that book! I KNEW it! Redemption all around! :)
Apology accepted! LOL!! Love you Lauren!!! :)
I don't have any recommendations to add, but I think I'm going to have to steal some of these suggestions for myself!
I deleted the FB ap from my phone too! Too much temptation!
Have a great time on your retreat! Thanks for your prayers!
Thanks for all the suggestions ladies!! I'm hoping to head out to the bookstore tomorrow before the retreat-I'll let y'all know which book(s) I decide!
Y'all are in my prayers...
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