
Monday, August 16, 2010


Yes, that's right...that's the pretty lady that I had the honored of praying for (like I mentioned last night!).

I already knew a bit about her when I was "assigned" her but I, like so many others, went and read more of her blog to sort of get to know her more.

She is a beautiful wife and a great mom! I remember reading about when she first got Tommy and I literally had tears in my eyes. And ever since Tommy has entered their lives, in EVERY SINGLE picture she has the biggest, most joyful smile ever. That's the thing that has stood out to me most...the pure joy in her smiles!

I prayed every single day for this woman and her special intentions. When I had my surgery and got out in way more pain than I had expected, I instantly thought of her and offered up my suffering for her intentions. There have been many a hard and not so great days since the start of the prayer buddy, but each time I instantly thought of her and her beautiful family and offered it up.

I know that it's going to be impossible NOT to continue to pray for her since I've been doing so every day, so it's safe to say, Jeremiah, that I will continue to do so!


Leila@LittleCatholicBubble said...

Whoops, I think you meant "Jeremiah"! But I totally agree... she is the best!! I am sure she benefited greatly from your prayers and offerings!!

Leila@LittleCatholicBubble said...

PS: Hebrews is the best, too! :)

Faith makes things possible said...

Oh my goodness...can you tell I just recently read Hebrew's blog!? Lol...thanks for catching that so quickly as opposed to it sitting there all day! :)

Jeremiah 29:11 said...

Wow, thank you so much!!! I am honored and grateful for your prayers.