Today I babysat for the family I've been nannying for.
Except normally, I'm only watching the 4 month old because the 2.5 year old is in daycare.
Anyways, the sweet little blonde hair, blue eyed, very articulate little one asks to sit in my lap.
She's precious so of course I agree.
As she's laying there rubbing her eyes, getting ready for nap time, she looks up at me and goes, "you have a babeee in your tumeee!!"
Literally I start to think: well I would love to have a baby in my tummy but unfortunately with pcos i don't ovulate and I haven't noticed any ovulation signs this month anyway so she must be talking about my belly but that's odd because I've lost weight and my stomach is actually less fluffy so what does that mean oh my goodness maybe she knows something I don't know oh my goodness God is this a sign??!!!
Real rational of me, I know.
So I proceed to tell this baby [in the tummy] predictor/whisperer of a two year old that, "oh, I wish!!" and then I hug her and tell her it's almost time for nap.
Then she looks straight at my girls, lifts her previous hand and pushes the left one and says, "Babee in your tumee!! Let me seeee!!" which then follows with her attempting to reach down my shirt.
Finally I get it, her sweet mom is teeny tiny and has no chest at.all except for when she had the littlest one, just a few short months ago.
Ergo, big boob.ies=baby in the tummy.
I laughed and then rolled my eyes at the silliness I call my thoughts and irrational IF thought process.
Yeah, this is my life.
I'm pretty sure I'm crazy.
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2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Not crazy- just thinking from a different perspective- HA!!! Out of the mouths of babes.
Oh, I can't tell you how many times that happened to me and I thought the child was sent by God to give me a sign, haha! You never know though! :)
LOL, that happened to me several months ago with my niece. She asked me if I had a baby in my tummy, if I just had a baby, and when I responded no to each, she asked "why are those sticking out?" And, I was like, "what?" And she says "Those!", pointing to a boob. All I could say was, "Well, sweetie, all grown up ladies have those." The things kids say and think!
Oh, kids and boobs. Haha! You never know though. Maybe it IS a sign!
It is pretty funny how kids make different associations. I would so love it if she was right, though! :)
That is funny! I agree- maybe it IS a sign:)
My friend's little boy has asked me a few times why mine are smaller than Mommy's. I crack up every time!
Ha! So cute - love how kids think.
And I will had my hopes in that it IS a sign :).
I'm going to be super-positive and count this as a sign from above!!!
kinda funny, but kinda not!
When I was 13 I babysat for a family that had a young baby and one of the other children told me to lift my shirt and feed the infant when he was crying. I was shocked and told her that I couldn't do that. She shrugged and walked away.
I enjoyed your love them!
Kids are crazy and say the darnest things! Glad to hear others have thought that at was a "sign" at times also!! We are all a little crazy sometimes I suppose! ;)
That is too funny!!!!
I seriously laughed out loud when I read this!! Too funny!
I'm not alone then! I guess we all want to see signs so bad at times!
I think she is on to something!
I would have thought the same thing!!!!
I received a "sign" from my Aunt back in Feb. While she wasn't right, it was nice to feel hopeful again.
I would have had that EXACT same thought process too! :-) I'm praying it is a sign!!!
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