Before I talk about stuff with me, I have to say what EVERYONE else is surely thinking about/praying about....
OH MY GOODNESS, I am SOOOO unbelievably happy for Lauren, her DH and their new baby girl!!! If you haven't already offered up a prayer today that things continue to go smoothly, do it! :) Can't wait to see pictures of this beautiful miracle!!
Ok, now that that is out of my system... :)
As the title states, I am 11 DPO and these are my current standings or symptoms:
-Boobs have continue to stay sore
-Super emotional Example, I broke into tears after my husband said a random sarcastic remark. I was shocked that I was crying. Needless to say, so was he!
-Cramps on and off but no spotting yet.
And, not going to lie. I goo.gled 11 DPO and symptoms and I am the crazy person who saw that a small handful of people say that they tested and got a positive. So what did I do. I went and tested this morning, all the while knowing in my heart of hearts it was too early. Should have listened to my heart. It was negative.
So, I told myself that I will not test again until Friday. I will wait. I can wait.
Can I wait?
Sure hope so! Seeing a negative doesn't really do much for the soul...
Also, random note. Every morning I have woken up and the first thing I do is feel my boobs...and the rejoice when I feel that they are still a little sore! Then of course I over analyze and think..."hmm, are they sore because I am feeling them so freaking much because I am excited that they are still sore because this is new??!?!"
Ugh, my mind needs to relax....
Well, I am off to finish making dinner...yumm...TACOS!!!
“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”
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3 months ago
I'm so excited for Lauren too!! :)
As for you, I said a prayer this morning for you in my list of intentions! I hope that this cycle is the one! :) Yay for sore boobs!
Lauren had pics up briefly yesterday, but now I cannot wait until they are up again! So exciting!
Also, I'm not sure I've commented before, but I will be praying that this is it for you! :)
sorry for the negative test, but still praying for the best for you! :)
Praying for good news!!!
I had a false negative once. He is a senior in high school now. Here's hoping!! :)
Btw, you're one day ahead of me, I'm 10Dpo!
Praying and hoping with you! Keep us posted! :)
Praying for blessings for you! Keep up the faith!
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