After I wrote my "not feeling very hopeful" post early Sunday, I'm happy to report that my day completely turned around for the better.
I was struggling with truly letting go and not hanging onto the fears and anxieties that were overwhelming me. After I wrote my post, I simply kept saying, "I offer it all up to you" over and over throughout the day. Whether I believed I was truly doing it or not, I continued to say it in hopes that I would actually let go. And things looked up. I think it was a combination of three things, 1)God hearing my prayers, 2) My husband absolutely spoiling me with his love and support and 3)The prayers from all those that have offered them up for me.
I am truly blessed.
Later Sunday, feeling a bit better, we headed to a late Mass since my husband worked the night before and needed to sleep. The first thing that I noticed going to mass was that the weather was heaven hot, humid nasty weather, but rather a cool breeze filled the air. I took one of those deep breaths in and I could smell Fall.
Oh glorious Fall!
Our Texas summers get so hot that the first sign of Fall is such a huge relief and sort of gives me this second wind.
After a beautiful Mass, my DH and I decided it was off to get chocolate dipped cones. And if you have not been educated in the rules of birthday weeks, rule #1 is that calories don't count! ;) So we took our chocolate dipped cones and headed to the beautiful park that we to visit a lot when we were growing up.
We actually would come to that park before we were ever dating in high school. We pulled up and it brought back so many memories. We would go there when we just had crushes on one another, to talk about our feelings and talk about how we really felt that God wanted us in each others' lives. Then of course we would visit the park when we were dating. It was where we spilled our hearts and souls to one another about our hopes and dreams for our future dating adventures.
The last time we were there has been years. It makes me a little sad. Did life really get that busy that we couldn't take time to walk around this park that had been the location of so many heart felt talks?! Well, maybe it had but being back there reminded us of how truly blessed we were.
We've come a long way since we first walked around that park!!
After walking around the park my brother called and ask if we would sub for an hour in front of the abo.rtion clinic for the 40 days for life. So we took the 11-12am time and simply walked in front of the clinic and prayed.
My heart broke being there though, knowing that we so badly desired to conceive and to think that people went in to that building to remove the life they had created. I just prayed that God would help the women thinking of seeking the services of Plan.ned parenthood, to know that life is truly precious.
After we got home I got an amazing PBR. What's a PBR you ask?! Well it's a term I came up with...Platonic Back Rub. My husband has a bit of trouble not getting distracted while giving me a back rub, which don't get me wrong, I LOVE that he loves me and that this is a problem! ;) It's just that there are times I just want a back rub.
I get a PBR everyday of my birthday week! Lucky me!! :)
So, Sunday ended up being so amazing and I felt beyond blessed.
Priorities were back in line and I thankfully am doing way better. The power of prayer is truly amazing.
Another really amazing miracle, my beautiful little niece was born yesterday! We got to go up to the hospital (it was my DH's sister) and hold this beautiful little 6 pound 2 oz miracle for quite awhile and it was awesome. Nothing like holding a beautiful new born to help with those priorities, also!
That's about it as of now. I know that Sunday started off rough because the thought of another year passing, without children, was so completely overwhelming because I, like so many others, didn't think that this would be. I am just trying to not let myself get overwhelmed and not let the feeling of fear take over.
"For me prayer is a surge of the heart, it is a simple look towards Heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy." (St. Therese of Lisieux)
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3 months ago
Happy Birthday Week!!
I am so glad you are having a good one!
Happy Birthday Week! And I LOVE the PBR idea... all too often they turn into NPBR (non-platonic back rubs)!
Praying that this is the year.
And btw-- I'm an Aggie, too. What class are you? I'm 2001.
So happy that you're having a great birthday week!!!!
ps I'm totally stealing the PBR idea!!!!
Happy Birthday Sweetie! Love the PBR, I'll have to try to get me one of those - one of these days...
Happy Birthday week! I'm glad you are feeling better about everything! A back rub sounds amazing right now! :) Oh and congratulations on your new niece! :)
Happy Birthday Week! :) A PBR sounds super good right now.. Lucky you!
Congrats on your niece!
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