
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


It's CD18 and so far I've seen nothing.



I mean, yesterday I was feeling twinges in my lower back and on my right ovary-so I thought maybe I was going to ovulate...

But my cm would beg to differ.

I seriously haven't been this dry in so long. Even the last two months that I did clomid I saw something.

I have been taking mucinex and vitamin b6 on my own accord, since my doctor isn't a Napro doctor a so cm isn't is top concern.

Thankfully I still have notes from when I was seeing my old napro doctor so I knew when/what to take, however this cycle is proving to be a tough one.

I'm obviously not giving up hope for this cycle just yet-I'm just not sure when I should officially throw in the towel.

I mean, it's mighty tough to get pregnant with little to no good cm and that is exactly where I am at this point in my cycle.

Maybe after I have my blood drawn for this cycle I'll discuss plans about next cycle, you know ways he think I can improve the uhh...dryness.

Or maybe a miracle will happen and we will actually conceive and be able to ring in our 4 years of marriage (yay June 9!!!!) with a special gift from above.

A girl can dream, right?!

"Don't get discouraged. It's often the last key that opens the lock."


Mrs. Henderson said...

Don't throw in the towel yet, friend!
I am praying for you!

Grace in my Heart said...

Praying!!! You know never know! :)

Hebrews 11:1 said...

I will pray for that miracle! :)

Julie said...

My chart looked perfect.
Ultrasound confirmed ovulation.
Timed everything perfect.

CD1 today.

Timing is all God, not us!

If this is the cycle He has planned for you, then He will make it all work out!

Thy Will Be Done!

Katie @ Persevere in Prayer said...

Definitely don't give up!!! Sending prayers!

Isaiah 55:8-9 said...

I hear your frustration - my last few cycles have been super limited CM too. Ugh. So hard to figure things out when it's not there! I'm on Femara, but not mucinex. I will pray for you!

All in His Perfect Timing said...

You should try Ammoxicillan for mucus. I have really limited mucus too and it has helped me. PPVI has recommended Mucinex, sustained release B6 and Ammoxicillan for me on day 10 to P+2. Hoping that helps you next cycle!

JellyBelly said...

I'm with Julie. I've had beautiful charts and amazing CM and still nothing.

I keep reminding myself that this is part of God's perfect plan. I wish I could be more patient!

Awaiting a Child of God:) said...

Hey, the cycle I got pregnant was what I thought to be my worst as far as CM goes. I was on Fertile CM and Mucinex and was bothered that they weren't working. I was then planning on using an antibiotic the next cycle but I didn't have to. I know it's sooooo annoying. It's going to happen when you least expect it.

I HOPE AND PRAY!!!!!!!!!

St. Rita's Roses said...

As Awaiting said, when you least expect it! I dont have a huge CM problem, and nada~ no baby~

So you never know.....