Lining...looks great!
Left side...16mm was the biggest.
Right side...23-24mm!!!!!
First follicle check this cycle and it looks great!
This is very exciting.
Pcos=sad dinky follicles.
Not for me this month.
The nurse was quite impressed.
I was quite impressed.
The hot flashes are so worth it...the clomid is doing something.
I don't think I've ever been so excited to take a shot in my life.
Hgc trigger I come!!
Now dear body, keep doing what you're doing and maybe, just maybe this could be our month.
I'm overfilled with joy right now.
There's hope this cycle.
LOTS of hope.
Thank you, Jesus!
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3 months ago
Yay, praying!!!
Yay!!! (Posting from my phone..hope it works!?
Yay for hope! Praying :).
Hope is awesome. Praying!
Woohoo! Praying for your follies!
Hooray! Grow, follies, grow! Praying!
Praying!! Hoping that the next time I see you, you'll be on your way to a baby bump.
So exciting! :) Praying!
Hooray! Praying this is your cycle!! :)
Wowsers, that is an AWESOME follicle!!!!! I am so excited for you, praying!!!!!
praying for you!
Rock on! Sending prayers your way...
Thanks SO much for all the prayers ladies! My husband was pleasantly shocked with the news of my follicle. Needless to say, we've been having a fun "honeymoon" phase, as the nurse put it! ;)
Thanks again!!
I love hope! Good luck!!!
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